A Difference Between Elemental Sulphur and Sulphur Bentonite?

A Difference Between Elemental Sulphur and Sulphur Bentonite?Yes, there are significant differences, although very often the terms elemental sulphur (S) and sulphur bentonite (TIGER® 90CR sulphur) are used interchangeably. While both products are valuable, they each have very specific uses. Elemental sulphur is mined or recovered from fossil fuel production. Greater than 50% of all global sulphuric acid production…

Plant Sulphur Nutrition

Plant Sulphur NutritionResearch indicates that deficiencies in sulphur, a plant nutrient required by all plant biological systems, not only reduces yields, but adversely affects quality. Plants struggling with insufficient sulphur present a slow growth rate and poor response to nitrogen. Plant sulphur nutrition and its role within the plant’s biological and chemical processes have contributed…

Maximizing Benefits of Soil Sample Analyses

Maximizing Benefits of Soil Sample AnalysesIs fertile soil productive soil? Is a fertile soil always a productive soil? Is a productive soil always a fertile soil? The answer to both questions is no. Soil testing has been a primary method to evaluate the soil’s chemical status, especially for pH, phosphorus, and potassium. In the past 3–4 years there has…

The Tiger Advantage

The Tiger AdvantageQuarterly Tech Update: Plant Tissue Analyses Improve Knowledge Base of Plant Nutrient Status and the Difference between Tiger 90CR® Sulphur and Ammonium Sulphate. Tiger-Sul’s internal team of experts and specialists in the fields of chemistry, agronomy and biology continually focus on developing and producing outstanding, cost effective new and improved fertilizers using the latest technological advances available to them.…